Tuesday, May 5, 2009

3-Course Dinner #4

One of the most popular food in a Chinese Restaurant is Tofu. It's easy to make it vegetarian style as well as non-vegetarian style. The only difference is with or without meat. The tofu was first grilled on the pan to give it a little crispy texture. Allen is not a fan of tofu but he actually liked it tonight.

Home Style Tofu (with ground chicken and mushroom)

The Panang Beef is a Thai dish. Panang curry is less spicy than the red curry I usually cook with. Allen just had oral surgery a week ago and can't have spicy food. He loved how I made this tonight and had 2 big servings.

Panang Beef

I usually cook asparagus with bacon, but I ran out of bacon and substituted it with Chinese Sausage. Didn't exactly turn out as I like, but edible. =)

Asparagus with Chinese Sausage

I just throw this in for the fun of it.

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